binge reading

a real thirst for a good story


yes, i'm still reading. just haven't had much time to log it in.
and i haven't been keeping track of when i started and finished a book. *shrugs* oh, well.
too many other things on my mind.

here's what i've been reading since the last post:
#The Confusion, the Baroque Cycle, vol. 2 by Neal Stephenson
#System of the World, the Baroque Cycle, vol. 3 by Neal Stephenson
Castle in the Air by Dianna Wynne Jones
Deep Secret by Dianna Wynne Jones
Dark Lord of Derkhelm by Dianna Wynne Jones
Year of the Griffin by Dianna Wynne Jones
Homeward Bounders by Dianna Wynne Jones
Strangers in Paradise, vol 1 by Terry Moore
Hopeless Savages by Jen Van Meter, Christine Norrie and Chynna Clugston-Major
Hopeless Savages, vol. 2: Ground Zero by Jen Van Meter & other artists who's names i've forgotten...sorry!
Blue Monday, vol. 4 : Painted Moon by Chynna Clugston-Major
Ragtime by E.L. Doctrow
The Complete Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
Waifs and Strays by Charles de Lint
Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
Girl Genius, Vol. 4: Agatha Hetrodyne and the Circus of Dreams by Phil & Kaja Foglio
Anasi Boys by Neil Gaiman (never finished-it's not that it wasn't good, it's just my heart wasn't in it and it was coming due at the library. i'll try again another time.)
What They Didn't Teach You About the Wild West by Mike Wright- (still working on this one...)
Wise Child by Monica Furlong
*Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett (had to re-read once i replaced by paperback with a hardcover. bargin bin at barnes and noble for $6!)

and here's where i keep track again...
Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World by Henri J.M. Nouwen - started 3 June, 2006
Dragons in the Waters by Madeleine L'Engle - started 6 June, 2006; finished 7 June, 2006 at 2 a.m. or so
A House Like A Lotus by Madeleine L'Engle - started 7 June, 2006; finished 8 June, 2006
this one affect me...see the regular blog for details.

To Read:
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggarrd
The Journey by Billy Graham
Fear and Trembling by Søren Kierkegaard

books i read aloud to ken:
*Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett
*Men At Arms by Terry Pratchett
*Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett (never finished-only halfway through before he died He did, however, skip ahead and finish Jingo on his own.)

and i am currently in the middle of reading Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett to Alice as she quilts.
is that enough books for you?


Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire-started 10-24-05; finished 10-26-05
Wish You Were Here: The Official Biography of Douglas Adams by Nick Webb-started 10-26-05

back on the 19th, i went to the local library. i was estatic to see a copy of son of a witch. yay! a sequel to wicked! i took it with me to conway with week and made a lousy time that much better. it was great but it ended all too soon! more! must have more!
but i understand why the author ended it where he did. it leaves lots to the imagination and cna be a great converstion starter amoung those who've read the book.
very recommended if you loved wicked.


Groucho: The Life and Times of Julis Henry Marx by Stefan Kanfer-finished 10-9-05
Thud! by Terry Pratchett-started 9-28-05; finished 9-30-05

i took my time reading groucho's biography. drawing came first, however, i was powerless to resist the urge to finish the latest PTerry book. i will be getting Where's My Cow? shortly.


Groucho: The Life and Times of Julis Henry Marx by Stefan Kanfer-started 9-18-05

i borrowed this one from doug. i also borrowed Ragtime from caroline.


Across the Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories by Garth Nix-finished 8-3-05

I loved it! A collection of short stories by the author of Lireal and Sabriel, Nix has put together a bunch of odds and ends for this collection. not that that's a bad thing. i like short stories.

stories of note include:
"Down to the Scum Quarter," a hilarious parody of the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books, complete with pages that clearly state that if you are reading them, then you must be cheating. 8^) highly amusing!

"Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case," is the only story that deals with the Old Kingdom and Ancelstierre. Mostly, it's an adventure with Nick Sayre after the events in Lireal and Abhorsen.

"From the Lighthouse," is a story i wish Nix had written more of, because i want to know what happens. i can't describe it without giving away the entire story. it's just way too short.

"Hope Chest," is a magical western about a young orphan girl who learns of her heritage that comes inside a mysertious steamer truck that was left with her when she was an infant, which no one can open. she comes of age in an era of fear and hatred marked by the Servents of the State.

"My Really New Epic Fantasy Series," is a humorous essay poking fun at the fantasy genre. In it, Nix outlines his new series of books. very entertaining.


*The Amazing Maurice & His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett-started 8-1-05; finished 8-2-05
Across the Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen & Other Stories by Garth Nix-started 8-3-05

i would have finished The Amazing Maurice on monday, but after work, i went to visit ken instead. 8^)P

i saw Across the Wall last night at the bookstore and had to get it. yay! more old kingdom!


*Sourcery by Terry Pratchett-finished 7-28-05


*Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett-started 7-24-05; finished 7-26-05
*Sourcery by Terry Pratchett-started 7-26-05

i'm re-reading books until i can afford new ones. of course, pterry always reads and re-reads well. 8^)
hmmmm. guess i should make a trip to the library this weekend.


Inkheart by Cornelia Funke-finished 7-22-05

i loved this book! however, i didn't feel rushed to complete like with most stories. i had to take my time. definately going to get the hardcover now.


*Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett-finished 7-20-05


once again, i lost track of what i read when. *shrugs* i guess sometimes i just don't want to keep track of stuff. i need to try harder.

i have been re-reading the following since last update:
(all of these are by Terry Pratchett)
*Witches Abroad
*Lords & Ladies
*Men at Arms
*Feet of Clay
*The Fifth Elephant

when you need a good laugh, you can't go wrong with pterry. 8^)
and, then i started to keep track again.

*Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett-started 7-15-05
i put this one down in the middle to start the next one. i'll pick carpe jugulum back up in a bit.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
by J.K. Rowling-started 7-16-05 (around 12:30 a.m.); finished 7-17-05 (around 2 a.m. i would've completed it earlier, but i had to work on the 16th.)
Very good! there's so much packed into it. i won't spoil it, but i did laugh and, towards the end, i didn't cry but felt much shock and sadness. 8^(
my friend caroline just finished it this morning and has sent me many text messages about it. 8^)
i'm looking forward to the last book.

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke-started 7-18-05
This one's turning out good! i can't wait to finish it. i wish i would've splurged and got the hardback. and it looks like it's a series and that's it been picked up to be made into a movie! woo hoo!
hey, jo! the original is in german. you might want to pick it up before you leave germany this month.

btw-i'm still skimming Creative Mythology by Joseph Campbell.


ok, update!
it's been awhile, but i'm still reading.

Peter Ibbetson by George du Maurier-finished 3-15-05
Trader by Charles de Lint-started 3-20-05; finished 3-21-05
Mirror Mirror by Gregory Maguire-started 3-22-05; finished 3-27-05
Going Postal by Terry Pratchett-started 3-30-05; finished 4-2-05 (thanks for loaning me this, jo!)
Gifts by Ursula K. LeGuin-started 4-13-05; finished 4-14-05 (and this one, too! 8^)
*The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials, Book 1 by Phillip Pullman-started 4-19-05; finished 4-19-05
The Unicorn Sonata by Peter S. Beagle-started 4-20-05; finished 4-20-05 (no it's not a sequel to The Last Unicorn, but a totally seperate story.)
The Color Purple by Alice Walker-stared 4-21-05; finished 4-23-05

and after that i forgot to keep track! but i don't think i read too much during may.
here's what i'm reading/leafing through right now:
Creative Mythology: The Masks of God, Book 4 by Joseph Campbell (didn't realize this was part of a series. i'll have to get the othre 3 books now.)
Dictionary of Symbolism, Cultural Icons & the Meanings Behind Them by Hans Biedemann, Translated by James Hulbert (thank you for loaning me this one, alice!)
The Annotated Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, Annotations by Michael Patrick Hearn (this has the orignal illustrations by W.W. Denslow, reproduced in the colors they were intended to be.)


Paul has a Summer Job by Michel Rabagliati, translated by Helge Dascher-started 2-19-05; finished 2-19-05
The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia by Ursula K. LeGuin-started 2-20-05; finished 2-22-05
*Peter Ibbetson by George du Maurier-started 2-22-05

Paul has a Summer Job is a graphic novel i checked out from the library last week (i love the Craighead County Library for carring Graphic Novels, some quite edgy, like The Tale of One Bad Rat and Goldfish. They've got them in the Young Adult section which i also think is quite nifty. ) Paul is a coming of age story, with crisp, clean artwork. it's well worth the read. 8^)

I first read Peter Ibbetson in college, during my second semeter i believe. This was when i was still writing to friends from high school. one had serial dreams! they would pick up at the place left off from the previous night. and it was very cool, which inspired me to go the campus library and pick up a book, a story that involved dreams. i liked this one immensely when i first read it. but later i ended up forgetting the title and couldn't find it again. luckily, i was searcing on and found it again. we'll see if i still like it.


The Innkeeper's Song by Peter S. Beagle-finished 2-19-05


The Innkeeper's Song by Peter S. Beagle-started 2-17-05

currently reading:.
#Creative Mythology: The Masks of God, Book 4 by Joseph Campbell
#Across the Wall by Garth Nix
to read:.
*Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (thanks for this one, c!)
The Nine Emotional Lives of Cats, a Journey into the Feline Heart by Jefferey Moussaieff Masson
Eygptian Magic by E. A. Wallis Budge
The Library of Alexandria, Centre of Learning in the Ancient World edited by Roy MacLeod
Alexandria Rediscovered by Jean-Yves Empereur, translated by Margaret Maehler
Ghosts: Appearances of the Dead and Cultural Transformation by by R.C. Finucane
Libraries of the Ancient World by Lionel Casson
*Red Land, Black Land by Barbara Mertz

* denotes books that have been reread.
# denotes a series of books or a trilogy.
‡ denotes an electronic book

recommended reading:.
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin
Sabriel by Garth Nix

fav authors:.
Terry Pratchett
Neil Gaiman
William Gibson
Guy Gavriel Kay
Charles de Lint
Ursula K. LeGuin
more to come!

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